Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Don't let Virginia Fool You

Ahhh she speaks of old lady, don't let her fool you! She camouflages herself well behind her sedate sweaters and sweet smile but lurking beneath is the mind and spirit of a 20 year old and a razor sharp sense of humor! That humor was inherited by my father and passed down to myself as well as my sisters and my children.

Dental Pain: Unbelievable my mouth was more bothersome yesterday and today then the day of the surgery.

Running: Tried to do 3 miles outside this morning. I hate heat and humidity. Give me the frigid cold anyday. Had to stop and walk up the two little hills. Whined and carried on all the way up the hill. Had to walk several other times about 50 paces each time. I was dripping wet and yet again unable to catch my breath. I think Missy Elliott was trying to kill me with the beat of her music. So much that I went looking for other music and what should I find but some Running Military Cadance CD's. Which I ordered two and am so excited and can't wait to get them! Hopefully a steady beat will help me with that pesky little I can't breath problem. For some reason I have not been able to get in my music the last couple of times and anytime I can't feel the music my run is unsuccessful. So tomorrow is another day and maybe before my swim I will try to do another run. My long run is 5 miles this week and I have it slated for Sunday so I can use Saturday as a recovery day in preparation for my 5 miles. I will be volunteering for the Triathalon this weekend. The athletes are AMAZING.

Grandma Mae: Mae called her father is doing well and she was able to talk to him on the phone. She will heading to New York to spend some time with him. Have a safe trip Mae we love you!

MWA: Went to the doctor for his followup from surgery. He is doing well and recovering nicely.

Better get to bed. Already was asleep but woke up because I fell asleep to early. I am ashamed to say it was around 8:00 p.m when I was sawing logs in my recliner.

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