Monday, April 03, 2006

I am no Martha Stuart

I have decided, at long last, that my laundry room/storage room needs some serious TLC (which I hold Amy totally responsible for my urge to retile!). So it begins....everything I mean everything must be removed from the laundry room (including the large closet) so that the walls can be drywalled and the floor replaced. 20 years of crap is alot of stuff to move. I have been moving and moving and moving and my laundry room is still NOT empty. My husband says that I should throw stuff away...but I swear that I need each and every item that is in that room! Well maybe I don't need the collection of star war guys but I am keeping them for someone...I just don't know who. Perhaps I could scale down my large large collection of board games but I need those in case I get snowed in and the cable goes out! The large ice cream buckets???no maybe I will need to use them for a dog water bowl, The Mason Jars??well you never know when you will need a jar to put something in! So you can see the problem I am having? At any rate I am lugging the stuff up up up the stairs to the spare bedroom, which now looks like some eccentric old lady resides there.
I have some, what I thought to be, awesome ideas for my laundry room, which my husband, who has really good taste, has told me are NOT good ideas. For instance I want this really cool emerald tile...He says our room will look like "The Emerald City". So I guess I will empty the room and then we will go pick out paint and tile of which he will ulitimately choose because I really do have no taste and very poor decorating skills. I decorate my living room by taking a jar(see why I can't throw them away) and sticking silk flowers in it and WA LA
"Designs by Kim".

Exercise Update:
Monday: Spinning one hour... Spin..spin...up, down up, down, climb, hover, jog, hard climb....tired tired legs.
Power Hour:Lunge, steps, Lunge, Steps etc....pushups, ab work.....tired Kim, sore Kim, HAPPY KIM!
Surely after all this torture I am putting myself thru I will be able to do a 10k in October! Think healing thoughts for my foot...cause by cardio is ready, my legs are ready...just gotta get the foot and ankle ready! It is getting stronger everyday!!!!

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