Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Running like the "Wind"? Nah don't think so!

Okay today was a pretty good run. Did not keep track of my time but did about 2.5 miles. Which is my goal for today. Ran outside..in the wind (strong strong wind)...in the dark...and it was "GOOD" My foot did not hurt even though I was running on pavement. I have been running outdoors only one day a week and using the treadmill the other two running days to save my foot the stress of the hard pavement. Foot held up good but I think I will use the treadmill on Thursday for my three miler and ease back into it. Unless I get lucky and they leave the gates unlocked on the highschool track, then I could do the whole hamster on a wheel thing (but a nice shock absorbant wheel). Okay back to today. I ran the 2.5 (might actually have been a teensy bit more) then finished up another 1 mile on the treadmill, walking it on the 14 for incline...big indoor hill. I then lifted and did 1 1/2 chin ups all myself (not the machine). It hurt..I grunted...Julie our instructor for Woman on Weights/Power Hour said she was impressed I could bend my head back that far! Hahaha Julie! I guess I thought the harder I tilted my head back that faster my chin would get up there. At any rate my goal is to do 5 chin ups in a row. Considering that I am still lifting a substantial amount of Kim that will be an awesome accomplishment. Is it impressive for a woman weighing all of 100 pounds to do chin ups???I think not. It is us, the woman of girth, that are the heros when we hoist our generous proportioned bodies up there! Workout for the rest of the week...tomorrow Swimming, Thusday 3 miles/lifting, Friday Spinning/Power Hour and then for the weekend a 4 miler and my body better not bale on me. I am going to not give it junk and furnish it with lots of good nutrients. No pie, no cookies, no muffins, no cereal...well maybe some cereal. Lots of fruit, protein and vegtables. I am going to try to be good because if I can control my weekend food then I KNOW I can get in shape for a 10k and ultimately the mini!!!! I will be a Power Woman, A She Rah, A Warrior Princess, Mini Mama Shakalaka...I will be a "RUNNER".
Ohhhh my my I got myself so worked up it is all I can do to not throw my running shoes on and take off out the door! However, my inner slug is very dominent tonight and it is demanding my pajamas and my new issue of Runners magazine. That reminds me of the old days when I would watch Denise Austin doing her exercises while I sat on the couch drinking coffee in my pajamas. I would always say "Yeah I need to start doing this but perhaps I need to watch for awhile to get familiar with the moves" Yeah right...there is never a tomorrow for exercise....only a right now!

Enjoyability Factor of Workouts 100%
Perceived Effort: 1,000,000%
Actual Effort Probably: 85%

Phrase of the Day: "Mom, Do I need to hit you with the stupid stick again" Uttered by son (over the phone because he dares not say that in person on account of I could kick his rear! hahahaha).

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