Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Iron Maiden Returns

2 miles in 26 minutes...no pain...just a little tight in the foot....MY FOOT IS GETTING STRONGER! 2 miles straight then one mile of sprint/walk= 3 miles Felt like going further but thought I better take it easy on my foot.
45 minutes of Lifting. Tried a new ab exercise: on incline bench with 10 pound weight held behind my head and then UP....ouch ouch ouch. Got to quit doing the bicep work.....and the tricep work...however I am getting the Lucy Lawless look on my arms...so maybe not????
I am fired up I WANT to do the 10k this FALL with a passion!
Blah! Tomorrow is swimming.

Vehicles: At the ripe old age of 43 I have jumped my first vehicle! Melissa and looked like idiots trying to figure out how to use the jumper cables but we DID it. Granted it took probably three times as long then if my husband had done it but we DID it. No explosions, no facial scarring from battery acid, the building by our cars is still standing....Job well done! Also the day of the gentleman is no longer. A man walked right to his car, which was right in front of ours, looked our way and did not even offer to help (and we obviously looked like we did NOT know what we were doing)! Sometimes Women's Rights bites us in the rear!

Dog: I tripped over my dog and he freaked out and BIT me! Right in the meaty part of my thigh! It is all different shades of purple...yuck. He was banned outside in the rain until I calmed down and was no longer threatening to send him to Doggie Jail. He is so lucky I could still exercise because if I would have missed classes it would have been goodby Zedo! He is definely not worth spending money on Meaty Bones...he will get the generic no flavor bones for the next month.

Daughter: I had great time with my daughter on Saturday when we did the yard sale thing. However, we have determined that I am blind (due to my identification difficultes with mailboxes vs. yardsale signs) and have absolutely no sense of direction (due to turning left when my daughter kept saying "Turn right Mom, Mom turn right...I said right right right). I probably should not be allowed to hold a driver's license.

Oops time to go back to work and earn my dollars.

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