Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hump Day

Finally half way thru the week! Sunday turned out to be a pretty good cardio day...I ran 5 miles on Sunday(thought it was 6 but the map on the computer keeps saying 5. I think it is WRONG). Then in the late afternoon I biked 7 miles. Though the bike riding was less about cardio and more about Fruity Pebble penance. Monday was spinning...which as usual was AWESOME and then Power Hour which, and I repeat myself, was AWESOME. Tuesday did 2 miles on the treadmill. My legs were VERY tired from my Sunday and Monday workout! I finished up putting in another mile and a half on the elliptical and weight lifting. This morning I am up and suited and ready for the pool. I know you are probably tired of reading this but I HATE THE POOL. Perhaps I will not hate it so much when my NEW SWIM SUIT gets here. Yes, I found the Blair catalog It is everything I desired. Well almost, the shorts could have been a little longer. It is a Tankini, which is a Tank top and shorts for swimming. Darn somebody stole my million dollar idea! My new suit should be here in one week. In the meantime I am in the Process of "Kim's four easy steps to wearing a swim suit in public" The week before I wore my tank top instead of my ususal tee shirt. This week I will take off the tank tip while I am in the water and put it back on before getting out. I do not know why this bothers me so much but I just feel NAKED.

I did much better with food control this weekend. Still not good but all in all much better then ususal. This weekend I will tighten down a little harder and then gradually squeeze most of the bad out of my weekend.

Kendra's baby shower has been set for July 15, 2006. It will probably be at 1:00 pm at her new house!

Aunt Denise called me last night she is in Vegas! Wooo Hoooo Texas Hold Em all night long. I wish I could go but there are several things holding me back. 1) I don't fly 2) Don't like to spend money. I would rather spend it on running shoes and 3) Don't think I could control my gluttony when faced with unending buffets. So I guess I will have to settle for our (Denise and me) little trip to Michigan. In November I am going to Florida with Aunt Suzie to see Jamie get married. So I guess I will get some vacation fun. My poor husband his idea and my idea of fun are NOT the same thing. I drive him crazy because when we go on a trip I want to go go go and he wants to soak in the hot tub. Last time we went on vacation I lost several pounds despite eating like a pig because everytime he got in the hot tub I got on the treadmill and he LOVES the hot tub.

I have decided that I like biking and I need a better bike. It is unlikely I will get one anytime soon though. But I am going to keep my eyes open for sales and that Bike Shops. Perhaps I can squirrel away a litte $ here and there and before you know it can have $$$ to buy a bike. Don't need anything fancy since I am a novice but I would like something that does not creak and groan and will allow me to use more then 3 of the speeds.

Well time to go to swimming. Sob sob sob...I want the elliptical....Can't because someone told me I need to back off in preparation for the Hog Jog...or as call it my Piggie Shuffle. So today is swimming, tomorrow will just walk and lift and Friday participate in power hour but will avoid the running part. Hopefully with the help of a co Y person and my military cadence CD I will make it thru the Hog Jog. Because I am actually not ready for a 10k but am going thru with it anyway. I checked the weather and it going to be hot...which means I will whine and cry. I hate heat more then I hate swimming. Oops time to go!

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