Friday, June 16, 2006

Laughing our Rears Off

Last night my son, James came over for dinner. Brad and Kendra your invites are forthcoming! We had delicious dinner (if the cook must say so herself). We had Marinated Chicken Breast, Twice Baked Pototos (yes homemade...not out of a box), Steamed Carrots, Corn, Biscuits and Sugar Free Chocolate Pie. We were just getting ready to have pie when who should appear (not Santa and his Reindeer) but mother and father of Baby Flickard. We proceeded to chat and then it began....barbs being slung back and forth...sometimes hitting their mark...sometimes not (thats when the laughing stops and the others just stare at you blankly). Phrase of the Day goes to mother of Baby Flickard:
PHRASE OF THE DAY: "Was your face in the pavement or in the snow". Now I would dearly love to explain the background of the phrase but I do not think I should share our family's dirty laundry to the web world. I will tell you that it took more then 5 minutes for us to quit laughing and I was laughing so hard I was crying. I must stay that Kendra has been extremely sharp witted since she has gotten preganant (she was before she was pregnant but now it is magnified by like a million). I think she should go on Last Comic Standing!

After our evening of laughter I went straight to bed on account of Saturday is almost here. I was going to go to the Y this morning but I did not trust myself to not participate fully in class and I am suppose to be resting in preparation for Saturday. Anytime I see someone run in front of me it sends my competitive side into overdrive and I have to catch them. Unfortunately for me last time there was a 14 year old boy in front of me. He was wicked fast and trying to get close to him almost gave me a heartattack. Wow off the subject again...anyway...where I was going with this is that I am not at the Y I am sitting at home blogging. I miss my friends at the Y...I miss spinning...I miss power hour.

White Shirt NO NO! I had my tank top all picked out to where to the Hog Jog. My daughter saw it and stared at me and said, "You're not wearing that white tank are you? Mom, Don't you know is going to happen? You are going to be sweating like crazy and you are WEARING a WHITE TEE SHIRT." She then looks at her brother (who is going with me) and says, "James you tell her! Do you want to see Mom in a wet white Tee Shirt?" James says, "Mom go find a colored tank top!" I tell him...I can't wear my orange tank because it does not match my gym shorts. He says, "Is this a fashion show or a run?" Kendra seeing that the true horror of their mother wearing a wet white tee shirt has filled her brother says, "Well they were your breakfast, lunch and dinner for awhile" So now I am going to wear the ORANGE tank top because I don't want to emotionally scar my children. Now not only am I going to look like an inept runner but I am also going to be dressed like a clown, because I have an orange tank and can only find blue or burgandy gym shorts. I hope I can dig up a pair of gray ones.

WEATHER UPDATE: It is going to be the hottest day of the year on Saturday. Low of 70 high of 93. I am going to suffer. My co worker suggests that my boss start looking for new assistants as I will probably have heat stroke and keel over and she will be lost on a highway loop in Ohio as she attempts to find King's Island.

Wedding Dress: Tasha's wedding dress is in and we will be going to Indy to pick it up next Saturday. Yeah!

Children I will be cooking hamburgers for your father on Sunday at 4:30. I will cook and you can come to eat and adore your father.

TGIF and STDOS... you know the first one...the second one is Scared to Death of Saturday.

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