Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Training in Progress

Monday's workout: Spinning and Power Hour...took it kinda of easy in those classes still recuperating.
Tuesday: Wanted to do sprints outdoors....nobody to do them with. Sprints are not fun by yourself. I settled doing my 400s on the treadmill. They are not quite as effective but that was okay. 5 sets of 400s with my .25 mile runs at 9.30 minutes per mile, recovery .25 miles walking at about 15 minutes per mile. So walk, run, walk, run, walk, run, walk, run, walk, run and a walk Next Tuesday I will do six sets. Whew 9.30 minutes per mile was rough for me...tiring...hard to breath, but so so so good for me.

Wednesday will be swimming which is more or less a rest day given the amount of exertion I put forth. I will be debuting my new bathing suit!
Thursday will be at least 3 miles trying to keep my pace at 12 minutes per mile average.
Friday is spinning and power hour
Saturday Rest
Sunday going to for 1 hour 15 minute run...which hopefully will be at least 6 miles. The instructor at the Y says go for time on my long runs and check my miles when I get home but I should be shooting to be able to run for two hours by the end of the year. So there we go ladies and gentlemen my agenda for the week. I hope nobody fell asleep!

Chaos Rules: I am losing control of my house..unopened mail, dirty laundry, dust bunnies, and one backed up sewer. I handled the unopened mail today, my husband is handling the backed up sewer this afternoon (which I am so grateful that I have a handy dandy husband that can do all those nasty chores), the dust bunnies will continue to mulitply because I am not up to dealing with them...and I still have some clean laundry left so the laundry will be put on hold at least until I run out of gym shorts. Well back to work! Thank you all for your loving support. You keep me strong and keep me focused!


SRR said...

I have dust bunnies too! I need a maid!

m said...

Great training schedule. Your instructor is right, Go for time and not miles.

I have an ant invasion going on now. They could actually haul off any and all dust bunnies that I have.

Keep up the great work.